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A Wish For Zander

50+1 Inspiring Stories of
Overcoming Learning Challenges

Inspiring Stories For


The storybook itself is a collaboration of writer and artists who have struggled and overcome their own unique learning challenges! Each of the fifty stories in this book proves the world-changing power of self-belief. None let their learning challenge(s) stand in the way of dreaming big, aspiring more, and reaching farther.

這本是Bubu的晚安故事。最近Bubu小一上台講寒假心得緊張到說不出話,這讓我很意外 因為在幼稚園上台演戲台詞一長串 都沒問題,跟阿公阿嬤出門 還會主動上台表演,所以讀到雪兒的故事 我特別有感。這真的很激勵人心! 謝謝出版!

Mother of One
My daughter is captivated by the colorful illustrations of A Wish For Zander and she immediately got me to read it to her. We had a great time together with her learning about new words and meanings. This book will be a staple in our bedtime routine and I highly recommend this book for teaching compassion and resilience to your child!
Mother of One
這是一本讓孩子從不同角度看世界的好書~ 我兒子跟表哥最喜歡翻到他們這個年齡最認識的寶可夢設計者的那一頁,對孩子來說,這些故事不是假的,是真實發生在身邊的,是這本書跟現在手邊童書最不同且最能對孩子產生影響的原因。推薦給所有的孩子,不論有沒有遇到學習困難,我希望孩子們也能擁有理解他人柔軟的心。
Mother of Two

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